Tuesday, March 30, 2010

tuesdays, how you bore me.

nothing really exciiting happend today,
just presented some story me&a group had to make up in english,
are story was bomb;) ahah, of couuurse.
then the ortho.. jesusssssss.
i went there, had to wait til 4:20 to get to see my orthodontist, then they didnt even change anything on my braces, they just told me to wear my eleastic the way i did the first time i got it?
then my transfer for the bus ran out, so i didnt have a way home from UWO..
so i had to call my rents, they were obvs mad.
not really my fault though ;) ahaha.

the weather is BOMMMMMMMMMMMB out :)
lovelovelovelove it.

im ouuuuuuuuut.

Monday, March 29, 2010

monday, yup.

no blog really,
i just thought the picture above was efffing hilariousssss.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunday, screw you:)

well last night, i partied with r.T moneeey$, ahaha.
we were going to watch UFC fight, but i had to leave becasuse my mom is a lammme-o.
anyways, it was a pretty decent night.
being drunk makes things alot more fun ;)
& today,
i went to a baby shower, for babys that were already born:p ahah
but i got to see my two new baby cousins:)
there isnt much i want to say.

im outttttttttttt,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

friiidaays, cant get enough of ya`

me and a bunch of friends drank at a park last night.
it was a pretty fucked up night, again. not going to lie;)
i got juiced, so it was okay;) ahaha.
me+ a few ppl went to mcdonalds, it was midnightt.. you should see some of the ppl that come in to mcdonalds at that time, so many randoms.
i dont really knwo waht else i can say about last night?
i met a few new ppl, one of my bestfriends tried to fight some girrl, while she was drunk&crying - you dont fight ppl like that.
i would of liked to smack this bitch for touching my friends exboyfriend.
they JUST brokeup too, and she clearly still loves him?
i would of just found a guy and macked on him infront of my ex?
whyyy not;) ahah. if he wants to be a dick, girls can be bitcccches;D
im partying tonight agian, you'll have anyother blooggg update tmrw;D

im outtttttttt.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

thursdays? what is the point of you

yeah, boring day. ;) .. clearly.
i started writing my esssay rough draft stuff, then i actually have to write the rough draft :\ soooo lame,
and co-op was tiring.. im veeeeeeeeeeery tired ;(
ugh. then im partying tmrw? and all weekend.ahaha, YUP. the good life eh;)

uhm, im going to start talking about stuff that makes more sense more often, like now;) :
why is everyone inlove with sex, WHY do we need to do it? yeah, to make babies sure.
but people keep bugging me about doing it, its kind of annoying? mhm, yup. went i want to, i will :) k thanks.
and shows now adays.. sex, sex, sex. pretty much it;)
ahaha. i guess the media has something to do with it eeeh.
that was awkward for me to write, ahah.
enjoy it (y)

im outttt.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

wednesdays arnt that much better,

fitness was a pain the ass today. 50+ push ups?
i probably did about 10 (: ahaha, then we had to do a P90X ab workoutt.. man oh man.
we do it every wednesday..
aha, i think the week or two before march break, we did it with the guys fitness class,
jookkkkes. they could bearly do it. shows how manly women are sometimes eh;);D
and then in english, we startted an essay on Of Mice & Men.
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame book. legit, its so boring.
now i have to write an essay on it?
good thing ive read it twice because of grade 10,a nd seen them movie twice.
so i think ill do alright :) i love english class. n3rd rightt? ahaah.
im kind of getting tired of co-op :\
its so old now..same shitt everyday, blah blah blaaaaaah.
i want to go away, to cancun mexico, and party with LMFAO (:
but i might go there after i graduate :) i really just neeeeeeeed a job ;(
so i can save up to party my ass off!
ahah, anyways..

im ouuuutttt.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

tuesdays blow

today, i went on a feild trip with my co-op class, and the parenting class..
we went to st.joes hospital, to learn about babys & all that stuff.
we HAD to watch a video of a lady giving birth.. legit, her vagina was showing,
she was full on nude in this video, i would be embrassed if i was this lady seeing
that video now.. :|
i know im not having a baby for a looooooooong time.
we also talked about relationships; healthy&bad ones.
we all got handed cards that said different things. mine said ; always want my own way.
then he asked my opinion on that..
i deffinitly dont want my own way in a relationship, i usually care about the person im with more then myself, id rather them be really happy then myselef i guess?
i do obviously want to be happy, but i cant really explain it..
but if you know what i mean, then good :) ahah.

i also leared that you can get warts even if you wear a condom.. because of the boxer
short area.. so they should just make condoms for your whole body eh? aha,

im ouuuuuuuut,

Monday, March 22, 2010

mondays suck

it was extreamly freaking cold this morning.
oh.. then it decided to be even moore lovely & rain.. -_-
now, im bored,watching icarly.. eating poptarts.
while eathing these poptarts.. this conversation went down

dad : " those areee casadias!"
me: "uhm.. they are poptarts.." ahah wtf.

ps. i would like summer twenty-ten to hurry up:)

im outttttttt,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

march break is over :(

i think this was my most interesting march break YET.
pretty much partying everyday, meeeting new people, having a great time.
it was a good march break.
the weather was AMAZING most of the time.
last day of march break, wasnt great, but it was fun, even though we partied
outside in the freezing cold.. ;)
but thats how canadians do it ehhhh. aha, anyways.
everyone that i spent march break with, i love you.
you made my march break possible, and exciting, thrilling, confusing, pretty much what it all needs to be.
thankyou. (L)

im outtttttttt,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

first blog, yup.


im amy :), first time blogger. YUP, should be interesting.
well. durring the week, i decided to try to use eharmony..
i guess you can only use it if you were recently married or some bullshit (Y)
i just trying to find a boy ;) i mean, well. i know im only 16.. 17 soon ;) buuut. people get lonely eh. ahaha, well i guess parties will just be my love for the rest of my life. alcohol + the herrrb. that will last a bit ;) until im in the hospital for partying to hard, MAGGET.
annnnyways.. last weekend, i went to a party, random party. i knew people there, did NOT know the host. i make friends fast,which is good, buttt. while i was blazing with ppl in a room, a boy, grade 10.. snorted cocoaine. WTF true saaay here. i left, of course. that shit is FUCKED UP. dont do it children, it wont get you anywhere in life. trusssst*
im going to this kids house.. again, ahaha. its march break, we all need to party eh;)
im writing a shout-out to my gurrrrl Rachelle.
hi :) i love you girl, <3

im outttttttttt.